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Noon Woranuch

Noon Woranuch

Noon Woranuch

Windsor Suites Hotel

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Windsor Suites Hotel

8-10 Sukhumvit 20, Sukhumvit Road, Sukhumvit, Bangkok, Thailand (View map)

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Hotel Info


Reviews of this Hotel [283]
Windsor Suites Hotel, Bangkok

Number of rooms: 460

Location: Sukhumvit

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best price guarantee
We want you to pay the lowest possible rate for your room. If you have reserved a hotel room through Agoda, and then show us that you could book the same room, for the same dates, at a lower rate, that is viewable and bookable on another website, within 48 hours of booking your room with us, we will either match that rate or beat it. Click this link to find out more.






Children (2-11):

Photos and Room Info
Windsor Suites Hotel Bangkok - Counsellor Suite - Living Room
Counsellor Suite - Living Room Windsor Suites Hotel Bangkok - Counsellor Suite
Counsellor Suite Windsor Suites Hotel Bangkok - Grand Deluxe
Grand Deluxe
Windsor Suites Hotel Bangkok - Minister Suite
Minister Suite Windsor Suites Hotel Bangkok - Minister Suite
Minister Suite Windsor Suites Hotel Bangkok - Royal Suite
Royal Suite
Windsor Suites Hotel Bangkok - Atrium Lounge
Atrium Lounge Windsor Suites Hotel Bangkok - Cafe
Cafe Windsor Suites Hotel Bangkok - Executive Lounge
Executive Lounge
Windsor Suites Hotel Bangkok - The Golden Palace
The Golden Palace Windsor Suites Hotel Bangkok - Youzen Restaurant
Youzen Restaurant Windsor Suites Hotel Bangkok - Vimarn Thai Restaurant
Vimarn Thai Restaurant
Windsor Suites Hotel Bangkok - Fitness
Fitness Windsor Suites Hotel Bangkok - Poolbar
Poolbar Windsor Suites Hotel Bangkok - Business Center
Business Center
Windsor Suites Hotel Bangkok - Conference room
Conference room Windsor Suites Hotel Bangkok - Conference room
Conference room Windsor Suites Hotel Bangkok - Lobby
Windsor Suites Hotel Bangkok - Outdoor View
Outdoor View Windsor Suites Hotel Bangkok - Van Shuttle
Van Shuttle
Windsor Suites Hotel Bangkok Info
Hotel Description
Hotel Policies
Useful Information
The Windsor Suites hotel enjoys a prime setting in the heart of Bangkok city with easy access to many landmarks via skytrain and subway. The hotel offers the comfort within its 460 suites all equipped with deluxe amenities and modern features. A range of facilities in the hotel are also available such as currency exchange, business center, postal service, all-area WiFi, limousine service, car rental, outdoor free-form pool, valet parking, helipad on the rooftop, luxurious spa and Clark Hatch Gymnasium. The hotel offers dining at the Windsor Suites Café serving international fare, Chinese cuisine, and the Youzen Japanese Restaurant. To book a room at the Windsor Suites Hotel, please submit your desired dates via our secure online form.