Hello Kitty Classic Alphabet ~5" Mini Plush Doll - Letter 'E' (Japanese Imported) - Fisher Price Toys Store

Hello Kitty Classic Alphabet

Hello Kitty Classic Alphabet ~5" Mini Plush Doll - Letter 'E' (Japanese Imported)

This series of Hello Kitty contains 26 mini plush dolls (EACH SOLD SEPARATELY.) Each doll wears an alphabet necklace and is printed with a picture and a word that begins with the alphabet it represents. The doll is about 5" tall (NOTE: due to the unique design of each plush doll, the actual size may be shoter or taller than 5".) Japanese imported product, but like many US products, it's made in China. Recommended for age 15 or up. To search for the other plush dolls in this series, search for the keyword: kittyalpha. This doll is the letter 'E' doll -- it's a perfect gift for girls whose names begin with the letter E, such as Eileen, Elaine, Elisabeth, Elise, Elizabeth, Ella, Ellen, Elsa, Elsie, Emilee, Emily, Emma, Emmy, Ericka, Eva, Eve, etc.

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